
March 12, 2012

Journey Spring Clothing and Boots

We just wanted everyone to know that you can keep the snow pants at home from now on. However, every child still needs to wear boots and a proper coat as well as hats and mittens if needed. Rain pants may also be helpful because the children do love to crawl around and sit on the ground. With rain pants, we can avoid having to have them sit in wet clothing for the remainder of the day. We asked the children to be sure to wear their boots to and from school so that their backpacks can lighten up a little. Shoes take up a lot less space.

Also, I am sending home extra clothing today for you to check to be sure that they fit and that they are appropriate for the current weather. Every child should keep a change of clothing either in their backpacks or their cubby.

Thanks for your help in trying to eliminate the dirt and mud mess in the classroom by sending boots to school EVERY DAY until further notice.

Progress Reports and Conferences

Progress reports were sent home in the students' yellow folders. I am excited to discuss your child's progress at our conference time in the upcoming weeks.

K-5 Unified Arts Teachers will be available in their classrooms on Monday, April 16th from 3-5PM for Parent Conferences. Please feel free to schedule a conference or simply stop in to see them if you have questions.