February 22, 2013
What's Coming Up in March
When we come back from vacation, our school will be celebrating National Reading Week. We will celebrate Dr. Seuss day on Tuesday March 5th with a special assembly, Drop Everything and Read (DEAR TIME) whole school, and several guest readers will visit our room from different teaching positions around the school. I have several fun activities already planned including work with books and artwork. During the month of March we will be reading lots of books written by Dr. Seuss as some are great readers for beginning readers. The children will be working with word families within these books and making and writing lots of new words during our Fundations word study and Writer's workshops times.
In math, the theme turns to Frogs and Toads. So while playing lots of new games around numbers and operation, algebra, and measurement, the children will be learning about these fun creatures. Our Bridges in Mathematics math program is so great about leaving room to incorporate science themes into the math! This makes it so much fun for the children to remain interested in their learning. This past week the children created sea creature math problems of their own and we will be working in March to solve every one of their problems as our math warm up. These problems will go home as we solve them. Be on the lookout for more sea creature art!
Also, conferences are in March and progress reports will go home on Friday, March 15th. I have a scheduling conflict with the late night that I had planned for conferences on Thursday, March 21st. My sons' now have a science fair at their school that evening that they both will be participating in. So, if you signed up for conferences on 3/21st from 4:00 on, please revisit the wiki to reschedule. I am so sorry for any problems this may create. I will contact you after break as a reminder as well.
The Deep Sea Dive
Today was the culminating activity for our two month long Literacy, Math, and Science integrated curriculum unit about sea creatures. The children came together to enjoy some artwork they created about sea creatures and the layers of the ocean, to sing a couple of ocean songs, listen to some quiet ocean sounds music for a Mindfulness activity, shared their sea creature Specialist books with children from TreeHouse, and had a very special snack while watching all of the sea creature fact PowerPoints from all four Kindergarten Classrooms. Very busy little creatures! It was a lot of fun!
Here are some photos from our fun today with the TreeHouse team.

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